posted 02-26-2008 06:15 AM
Hello All:First, and foremost, I am posting this message as an individual examiner and it is not or should not be preceived as the opinion of the APA board. I keep reading posts from members that wonder what is the APA doing if anything. You have to understand that if something is being looked into or investigated, that information is not going to be shared.
I agree with the fact that our profession has problems with media type testing that happens from time to time. As some of you mentioned, the board is looking into what has been done by examiners and more importantly, what can be done in the future to prevent such matters.
Obliviously, the media doesn't care whether they use an APA member or not. They do not care whether the examination is conducted in a professional and ethical manner, they just want to use the polygraph as an entertainment prop.
I would like to gather some suggested guidelines and recommendation for the board to consider regarding the use of polygraph in or on reality programs. Your concerns are not falling on deaf ears.
Ray, please send me an e-mail with the recommendations you posted earlier so that I can submit that to the board for consideration. I know that there will be lively discussion at the next formal board meeting regarding this subject, so it will probably have to wait until the board meets in August.
As long as I am a member of the Board of Directors of the APA, I will argue and fight for what is right on behalf of the Association and its' members.